Running Reno with Chico and Sienna

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Time away, but still running...

I have spent some time away from the blog. During which I have continued to run and have completed marathon number five (Bizz Johnson trail marathon - 2nd time). With some help from my buddy Warren, I was able to run the last six point two with hime and the dogs, which was really great. I was pretty wrecked thos last six miles, so it was quite uplifting to share them with Chico, Sienna and my good friend .
I have also started teaching at my new school, Dilworth, which is terrific. I continue to add miles to the yearly total and would really like to get to that elusive 1000 mile mark before the year is out. I am at 808 miles year-to-date with today's miles and will have to run about 90 miles in both November and December in order to get there. It can and will be done!
Enjoy the miles! -Michael